Percentage Change Calculator

Calculate the final value after applying a percentage change with our free online calculator.

= 0

How to Calculate Percentage Change


Original Value ± (Original Value × Percentage/100)

To calculate a value after a percentage change, multiply the original value by the percentage (divided by 100), then add or subtract this amount from the original value depending on whether it's an increase or decrease.

Step-by-Step Example

Example: Calculate a 15% increase of 200
  1. Identify your values:
    • Original Value = 200
    • Percentage Change = +15%
  2. Calculate the change amount:
    200 × (15/100) = 200 × 0.15 = 30
  3. Add the change to original value (for increase):
    200 + 30 = 230
  4. Therefore, 200 increased by 15% equals 230

Common Use Cases

  • Price adjustments (after discount or markup)
  • Salary calculations (after raise or bonus)
  • Investment projections (return calculations)
  • Tax calculations (with percentage rates)
  • Budget planning (with percentage allocations)
  • Growth projections (with percentage rates)

Tips for Accurate Calculations

  • Use the correct sign: add for increases, subtract for decreases
  • Convert percentage to decimal before multiplying
  • Keep track of decimal places for precision
  • Verify your calculations make logical sense
  • Consider rounding to appropriate decimal places

Common Percentage Change Examples

Original Value Percentage Change Final Value
100 +20% 120
50 -10% 45
200 +25% 250
80 +50% 120
150 -30% 105